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Troubleshoot & Coach Sales Performance
Sales managers think that their job is about hiring, firing, and counting numbers. That’s not true. The most critical skill of sales management is the ability to coach and troubleshoot performance issues with sales reps. This webinar will teach you how to continually develop your sales reps to perform at higher and higher levels.
Sales managers think that their job is about hiring, firing, and counting numbers. That’s not true. The most critical skill of sales management is the ability to coach and troubleshoot performance issues with sales reps. This webinar will teach you how to continually develop your sales reps to perform at higher and higher levels. Content also includes:

Quantitative vs. qualitative analysis; how to spot the problem (or the opportunity)
The effective coaching call; setting the stage and the right in-call behaviors
The one thing you MUST do to coach effectively (and it might be the hardest thing for you to do)
Effecting behavioral change by persuading your salespeople
Why your top salespeople should be coached at least as much as your bottom salespeople

Troy Harrison



As of 2017, Troy Harrison has trained salespeople from 23 different countries on two different continents.  He’s worked with principals of companies in the United States, Canada, Europe, and the Middle East. That’s why they call him the “Sales Navigator” – he navigates the globe teaching the very best and most contemporary techniques for selling and sales management to clients worldwide.

His work is based on more than 25 years of excelling as an award-winning sales rep, a champion sales manager, and an in-demand speaker, trainer, and consultant working from coast to coast. He believes that successful selling is built on a foundation of strong focus on customer needs, respect for customers’ intelligence, and a willingness to create positive outcomes for everyone the salesperson encounters. Thousands of professionals worldwide have read and benefited from his books, “Sell Like You Mean It!” (an Axiom Business Book of the Year nominee) and “The Pocket Sales Manager,” and hundreds of thousands of people across multiple industries read his monthly articles in 20 different trade magazines.

Availability: On-Demand
Cost: $95.00
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