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Stackable Credentials Program - Safety
What Are Stackable Credentials?
The AED Foundation's (AEDF) Stackable Credentialing Program provides students with the fundamental knowledge needed in today's heavy equipment industry. We offer six stackable credentials that align with the AEDF technical standards' core competencies - safety, electronics/electrical systems, hydraulics/hydrostatics, power trains, diesel engines, and AC/heating.

Stackable credentials are geared towards high school students with interest in the heavy equipment industry. These credentials build upon one another as the student gains more knowledge and skills. Earning AED Foundation credentials allows students to demonstrate their dedication to the industry and sets them up for success as they continue their career pathway to becoming a skilled technician.
AEDF Safety Credential
The AEDF Safety Credential is the first credential in the series. This program contains 30 modules that cover the following:
  • identification and use of basic hand tools
  • use of electrical tools
  • use of air tools
  • use of hydraulic tools
  • use of lifting equipment
  • use of cleaning equipment
  • use of fluid pressure testing equipment
  • machine identification and operation
  • basics of shop safety
  • hazard identification and prevention
  • basic shop math
  • communication skills
How to Register
Register for the AED Foundation Safety Credential by logging into the LMS and clicking Add to Cart. Once the course has been purchased, an AEDF administrator will contact you with an activation code that you will need to access the content. Once your code has been activated, you have four (4) months to access the content and complete the credential.

All modules must be successfully completed in order to earn the AED Foundation Safety Credential.
Availability: On-Demand
Cost: $75.00
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