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How Owner Dependent is Your Business?
Webinar Description
Can you take four weeks off work?

For some entrepreneurs being a workaholic is a badge of honor. For others, it’s a running gag how they do everything from shovel the walkway to lead the sales team. Or maybe they have trust issues and can’t imagine being dependent on someone else in a key leadership role.

An owner with too a dependent business, is an owner with a business with risk and missed potential, regardless of the reason. It is important to understand the inter-related effects owner dependence has on business performance.

Being able to take four weeks off work may seem as likely as winning a lottery. Yet being able to means you have a business with move value and less risk.

Attend this webinar and learn:
• What is owner dependence and how does it show up?
• What is the impact of owner dependence on business value?
• How owner dependent is your business?
• What practical steps can you take today to start the process of reducing the risk and value impacts?
Availability: On-Demand
Cost: FREE
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