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Unifying Sales & Marketing to Further the Customer Journey
Webinar Description
Have you ever wondered why it’s taking so long for a sale to close? Maybe you’ve noticed that someone has visited your website or opened an email but hasn’t reached out yet. When it comes to the sales journey, customers typically can have upwards of 30 touchpoints with a company before they commit to taking an action - whether that’s making a purchase, scheduling a meeting, or filling out a form. Sales can’t wait for marketing to advertise to them, and marketing can’t wait for the sales team to find new prospects. Instead, when salespeople and marketers collaborate, touchpoints can be created through their joint efforts. Salespeople can proactively reach out to users, while marketing can promote your brand to ensure it gets noticed by the target audience. A unified sales and marketing team can help connect the points on the customer journey and ultimately make it easier for your team to close more deals.

In this webinar, attendees will learn about the phases of the customer journey and how to capitalize on each stage the customer is in and push them further to a sale, and in turn, how to create a cohesive and unified team to efficiently and effectively target and sell to interested potential customers.
Availability: On-Demand
Cost: FREE
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