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Satisfying Multiple Customers
Everyone gets busy and that can be a good thing. You want to be busy and you usually can't control when a customer will call or walk-in. The trick is how you manage those busy times so your customers continue to be serviced in a legendary manner and you maintain your sanity!

Every customer deserves your best regardless of how busy you are. Learn some simple techniques and strategies for servicing multiple customers in a professional manner that ultimately results in a sale and a great relationship.
Barry Himmel
Senior Vice President


Barry Himmel is dynamic presenter with over 20 years’ experience supporting the equipment industry. Barry and Signature have developed and delivered a wide range of programs designed to enhance the customer experience and generate additional revenues for the dealership. His interactive sessions help participants understand how important delivering exceptional service can be to their reputation, bottom line, retention, and customer service standards.

 Barry has published numerous articles in equipment and rental trade journals focusing on customer service and sales skills. He has a bachelor’s degree from Miami University and MBA from the University of Dayton.

Availability: On-Demand
Cost: $95.00
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